Being a Quaker Book Group Begins in September

You are invited to read and discuss your response to Geoffrey Durham's book, Being a Quaker, in a book group that will begin in September and continue for six sessions in all. The dates and times of the group will be determined by those interested in participating.

Though subtitled a guide for newcomers, long-time Quakers in our meeting as well as short-time attenders find the book engaging, comprehensive, challenging, and affirming, Durham's gentle humor and humility open readers to hear more clearly the depth of his message.

If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Carol. Only electronic versions of the book are available in the U.S. while the U.K. has a paperback edition. Please let her know if you would like to buy the paperback. She will order bulk from U.K. for purchase at cost.


Silent Retreat is Around the Corner: September 16-18


The Library is Open