The First Day School’s Corner of the World: May 2023 

Head of First Day School, Charlotta Koppanyi 

A brown duck on green grass

Let me introduce Mrs. Duck. She and her husband are snow birds and come to live at our front yard each year. I am not sure where they nest as we have yet to see the ducklings in the front yard. However, each year they move in and consider the front lawn as their habitat, befriend their neighbors – us – and live in peace with the other critters, such as the squirrels, rabbits, birds of all kinds, including Canada geese, and the Skunk family who visit on occasion. The yard at EFM is similar, except for the lack of a Duck family. If you come by during the weekdays or early Sunday mornings – or stay to the late afternoons – you can see all the animals going about their day in EFM’s yard, as well as the neighbors’ dogs playing while the rabbits are keeping a safe distance. The flowers are blooming, giving us colors such as blue, yellow and red among the greens and new life is pushing through the dead leaves that covered and warmed the plants during the colder months. Life goes on… the circle of life.


During the Earth Day weekend, our students worked outside gathering leaves after First Day School. They did a terrific job, as they always do, and it was great to see how much fun they had outside working, playing, chasing each other, and getting the leaves in the big bag. In May we will spend more time outside after class and for Memorial Day Weekend, all students will join together for a class outside with Richard G who will talk about prairie plants, prairie restoration, and our own yard. For many people, of all ages I should add, being in nature, working with plants, may it be outside or inside, on a larger scale or smaller one, is a part of their spiritual practice.  Researchers have shown the mental, psychological, and physiological benefits in spending time with nature and plants. It can be as simple as walking barefoot on the beach, which we in Evanston have easy access to, or repotting your plants, allowing for more space for the roots to grow and the plant to expand to its full potential.


Speaking of spending time in nature, being outside, and your spirit… Registration for Illinois Yearly Annual Session is open  The dates are Wednesday, June 21 through Sunday, June 25. You can come for one day or all days. In addition to all the programing and events, Virginia S will present the Plummer Lecture, "Let Your Life Speak." As in previous years, I will be there running the children’s program and Raphael will be there as well with his amazing abilities to connect to children of all ages! We are looking for teachers to help out during the morning RE classes, 8:45 AM -12 Noon. Let me know if you are interested. One day or all days are available depending on age group!


The guest teachers in May for the Middle School class will start off with Cherie L on May 7 who will talk about women Quakers – with a focus on artists… A few weeks ago, she shared with me her frustration of not being able to find what she was looking for… my response was that she was it! That I wanted her to talk about her, her art, her Quaker story. Funny, but she had not thought of that! On May 21 we have two Northwestern students, Amiee R and Josif B, who are both involved with Rotary and Rotaract and with an amazing passion for volunteerism and focused actions on change for a better world for all. They will talk about international connections, friends and how relationships can create global change.


The idea of guest teachers in Middle school is to create intergenerational, educational, and friendly programs where we have the opportunity to get to know each other, share with, and learn from each other, and build a stronger Friends community. A big “Thank You” to all our guest teachers – past, present, and future!


We have been very fortunate for a while now with having Camille with us, however she is taking off in May for summer work at her school. It has been great having her with us and I cannot wait until August when she will be back with us for some weeks.


Intermediate students and Steve and the Primary class, with Liz as our Story Teller, will continue to follow their schedule. As always, Norma and Raphael will be with our youngest friends!


Pancake breakfast is May 21, 8:45-9:45AM. A big Thank You to all who contribute, may it be fruits, maple syrup, time for cooking and/or eating as well financial contributions/donations to offset the expenses. Come and join us for this friendly morning breakfast!


I am looking forward to meeting our Friends from Richmond Friends School in May as they will be staying at EFM during their visit to Chicago. Did you know that our own Mimi Holland, who left in order to pursue a MDiv at Earlham School of Religion, also works as the Music teacher at Richmond Friends School?


The First Day School’s Corner of the World: June 2023 


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