Shelf Knowledge

- D. L. Atkinson

A new book by Quaker author Eileen Flanagan entitled The Wisdom to Know the Difference has arrived in the EFM Library, thanks to a recommendation from Joan Pine who purchased her own copy after two Friends at last Fall's Silent Retreat brought their own copies for others to read while there.

With the subtitle "When to make a change and when to let go," the publisher Penguin Random House describes the author's approach:  "Flanagan shows readers how such practices as sifting through culturally preconceived notions and listening to our own inner voice can help us determine when a change is needed in our lives or when instead acceptance is the answer." 

Please consider forwarding your own reading discoveries to anyone on the Library Committee--whether the resource is in print format or digital media. 


The First Day School’s Corner of the World: July 2023 


Shelf Knowledge